Things to do: Only in Japan; Visit an Art Aquarium

Things to do: Only in Japan; Visit an Art Aquarium

Posted on Aug 15, 2013 in Japanese customs, Japanese technology, News, Things to do |

Of all the bizarre art niches out there, “goldfish aquarium art” must rank fairly high. Yet the artist Hidetomo Kimura has built an entire career as an “art aquarist,” and his weird and wonderful live installations are now on display again at an exhibition, Edo — the coolness of goldfish“ (link in Japanese), at the Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall, in Tokyo.

First held in 2011 to mark the centenary of the Nihonbashi Bridge, where the hall is located, the unusual exhibit proved so popular it has been held each year since. This year, Kimura’s exhibition uses 5,000 goldfish displayed in 17 installations made of 70 aquariums.

The \'Kingyo Collection\' installation at Art Aquarium.
The ‘Kingyo Collection’ installation at Art Aquarium.

The tanks are embellished with light displays and futuristic designs but also retain traditional symbols of Japanese culture such as kimonos, folding screens and lanterns.

The exhibition turns into a music lounge in the evenings (called Night Aquarium) and on the weekends.

Art Aquarium (link in Japanese),

Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall, Nihonbashi Nihonbashi, Chuoku, Tokyo; +81 3 3270 2550

July 13-September 23, 2013, 11 a.m.-11:30 p.m.; admission ¥1,000 ($10)